Prayer of Confession: Easter 5 B

Here’s a prayer of confession based on 1 John 4, along with Words of Assurance from John 15.  They come from the Ministry Matters website.

Prayer of Confession
(based on 1 John 4)

Merciful One,
you know when we are afraid to love;
you know when we are too cowardly
to show mercy.
Remind us again
that perfect love casts out such fears.
Surround us and strengthen us with your perfect love,
even in the face of our imperfections.
Imbue us with a love so strong,
with such growth toward perfection,
that we may cast aside our pride
and embrace the power of love.

Words of Assurance
(based on John 15)

Christ is the vine. We are simply branches.
If we abide in Christ, Christ’s words will abide in us.
Ask for whatever you wish in Christ’s name
and it will be granted.
In the name of Christ,
you who seek forgiveness are forgiven!
In the name of Christ,
you who seek forgiveness are forgiven!

— Adapted from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2012, © 2011 Abingdon Press.  Posted on the Worship Elements page of the Ministry Matters website. 

For more prayers of confession, see the Confession & Assurance Index at the upper right side of the page.