Call to Worship & Prayer: Easter 7

Here’s a call to worship and opening prayer based on some of the suggested scripture readings for the seventh Sunday after Easter.  They were written by Bruce Prewer.

Call to Worship
(Psalm 1, John 17)

I tell you this:
It is a wonderful thing when members of the family
live together in love and peace.
They shall be like trees planted beside flowing rivers.

May the church be one, just as Christ and God are one,
that Christ may be glorified in us.
They shall yield good fruit in its season,
and their leaf shall never wither.

The grace, mercy and peace, of the Lord Jesus,
be with you all.
And also with you.

Prayer of Praise
(inspired by Psalm 1)

You, loving God, are the ground of our being and the river of life;
you both steady our roots and draw them to seek the living waters.

You are like the sunlight enticing us taller
and like the breeze rustling our leaves.
You are with us through hard seasons of summer heat,
and in the nights when winter’s frost ice the landscape
your love warms and sustains us.
You are everything to us.
O let our gratitude be great,
let our praise be plentiful,
let our worship be wonder-full!
Through Christ Jesus your ever-living Son. Amen!

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage.